Actress Aditi Gupta, who plays the lead role of Dr. Deepika in the medical drama Dhadkan Zindagi Ki, says she finds the show’s story, characters and even the title relatable. She says, the relativity factor works with people and it is also something that will help me connect with people. The show has that kind of story and approach.
Talking about the show based on doctors and their struggles, Aditi says that we consider doctors as God. We expect a lot from him but after all he is human. Plus no one talks about how they feel when they are unable. That’s part of it in the show as well. But mainly it is about women. We are talking about a woman who has struggled a lot to reach where she is today. Several other taboo topics will also be highlighted in the show.
It is not just the medical field we are talking about, but in every aspect of life, even something as basic as driving a woman.
Since the show is based on doctors, it is thrilling for Aditi to take up this profession on screen.
It’s also thrilling to learn about medications, how to use a stethoscope, and how to use it during pregnancy, different conditions, and how surgery is performed, she said. You need to be authentic.