Khadda-Kushinagar (DVNA). This morning on the Paniyahwa bridge in Uttar Pradesh and Bihar border, a major incident was saved, the car coming back with the bride uncontrolled and overturned after the bridge rangling. The collision was so strong that the bridge railing was broken, if a car went down the railing, a big incident could happen, in this accident, five people including the bride and groom and the driver of the car are being injured. The injured were sent to the hospital by the people present, as soon as the information was received about the incident, the police also reached the spot.
It is said that Basant Chauhan, a resident of Nahar Chapra village of Padrauna Kotwali in Kushinagar district, was married to Sabita, daughter of Choteelal Chauhan, a resident of Goiti village in Bagaha police station area of Bihar on Wednesday, and on Thursday morning the bride-groom returned from the car after bidding farewell. It was coming that as the car reached the Paniyahwa bridge on the Gandak river on the border of Bihar and UP, it rammed into the railing of the bridge and overturned on the road. In this incident, a woman and child and the driver of the groom, who were in the car along with the groom Basant and bride Sabita, were caught in the car which was pulled out somehow by the people passing through the bridge.